Saturday, May 20, 2017

$100 million trial that the media isn't covering

It's been almost two weeks since the trial over the Paul S. Sarbanes Silver Spring Transit Center (SSTC) began.


Two years ago there were thousands of media reports about the "monumental debacle" SSTC--cracks, design errors, construction errors, inspection errors, HUGE cost overruns, etc.

Montgomery County MD and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) sued the engineer, the contractor and the private materials' testing and inspection firm.

The engineer and the contractor blame Montgomery County.

One would think that with all of the media attention that the SSTC got at the time--and the millions of federal, state and local taxpayer dollars involved--that there would be plenty of media coverage now that the trial has begun.

not so. 


the public wants to know.

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