Tuesday, May 30, 2017

some details emerge in the Silver Spring Transit Center lawsuit settlement

County Agrees To Settle Silver Spring Transit Center Lawsuit - Bethesda Beat - Bethesda, MD

my comment: 
there are no winners here. the biggest losers in this "monumental debacle", as councilman Phil Andrews aptly put it, are county, state and federal taxpayers who, in the end, will pay millions for cost overruns that resulted from poor engineering, construction and inspection, and from the lawsuit. All parties, including Montgomery County, construction manager of record for the project, are responsible for this debacle.

"The lawsuit has gone through numerous twists and turns since it was filed by the county in August 2015. Pretrial discovery and preliminary hearings on a blizzard of motions filed by the county and the defendants took more than a year.


Leggett and other county officials familiar with the case said there were several reasons for pursuing a settIn March, Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Michael Mason threw out the county’s allegations of fraud and its demand for punitive damages against the contractors. Mason also ruled that if the county won, it could not collect costs for attorneys or consultants. The county hired outside attorneys for the case, costing millions in fees. Montgomery’s main outside consultant to investigate problems with the project, KCE Structural Engineers, alone cost $8.5 million.
After Mason’s decision, county lawyers were left to pursue about $40 million in claims for breach of contract and cost overruns.
The county also faced an $11 million counterclaim from Foulger-Pratt, seeking costs that the firm said were incurred by county delays and the addition of a new two-inch layer of concrete on the transit center roadways.
From the outside, the transit center looks like a nondescript garage. But its unusual racetrack-like oval design, on land with multiple elevations, increased the complexity of the project. The concrete structure, expected to withstand the stresses produced by an estimated 120 buses an hour barreling to 32 bays, was “post-tensioned” with steel supports embedded in the concrete.
Problems first emerged in April 2010, when Georgios Mavrommatis, who examines plans for the county, looked at drawings of a long, curved wall on the northeast side of the building. He saw that there was no provision for slip joints where the floor met the wall. Engineers use slip joints to allow a building to move under stress, such as when a heavy bus rolls by.
Douglas Lang, Parsons Brinckerhoff’s main engineer on the project, expressed confidence that the design was sound without the joints.
The settlement is outlined in two documents the county released Tuesday. In one, Parsons Brinckerhoff and Balter agree to pay the county $25 million. In the other, the county agrees to pay Foulger-Pratt $3 million. Neither the companies nor the county acknowledge any negligence or wrongdoing. A non-disparagement clause also prevents the parties from saying anything critical about each other going forward.
Metro, which also sued the contractors in 2015, settled its case shortly before the trial began. The terms are not known. The transit center has operated safely since opening in the summer of 2015.
Before the settlement was announced, the trial in Mason’s courtroom was a remarkable scene, with as many as 13 lawyers crammed among five tables where there are usually two. When all attorneys approached the bench for conferences — a frequent occurrence with multiple defendants — it looked like a kind of legal rush hour. Mason kept a tight lid on the proceedings, barring attorneys from discussing the case outside court and ordering the county to scrub its website of information about the transit center’s problems so jurors couldn’t do their own research.
Each party tried to dominate the narrative, mostly by pointing fingers. The county said it had every reason to trust the contractors it hired. Foulger-Pratt said a faulty, incomplete design by Parsons Brinckerhoff and delays created by the county made it impossible to do the job in a timely manner. Parsons Brinckerhoff contended that the county rushed the project.
The flurry of arguments thrust the jury a into a netherworld of construction arcana, with disquisitions from attorneys on slab thickness, torsion and shear and axial stiffness.
While the county requested a jury trial, there were signs that it may have been losing confidence in the jury’s ability to sort matters out in the county’s favor.

“I look over all the time and wonder how this hits them,” William Nussbaum, one of the outside attorneys hired by the county, said at a bench conference out of the jury’s earshot last week. “I wonder if, you quiz them now, they could tell you what’s going on here.”
Silver Spring Transit Center contractors, Montgomery County settle lawsuit over late, overbudget project - The Washington Post

my comment:

good job, Mr. Turque; thanks for your report. not only is it informative, but your descriptions are priceless. "When all attorneys approached the bench for conferences — a frequent occurrence with multiple defendants — it looked like a kind of legal rush hour. ... The flurry of arguments thrust the jury into a netherworld of construction arcana..." If everybody in this fiasco had done their job--engineers engineer, contractors construct, inspectors inspect and construction managers manage--like you write, then the SSTC would have been structurally sound, on time, and on budget.

the SSTC lawsuit is settled. will details follow?


From County Executive Ike Leggett:
“I am pleased that the County has settled the lawsuit we brought to recover taxpayer costs associated with the repair and remediation of the Silver Spring Transit Center. This is very much in the public interest. The $25 million payment to the County will cover 90 percent of the hard costs we incurred to deliver a safe and durable Silver Spring Transit Center.”
Montgomery County Settles Suit Over Silver Spring Transit Center | Montgomery Community Media
  • details to follow?
  • where are all of the media that were covering this story after the cracks first became public?
  • are we going to hear from the defendants?
  • are we going to hear from county, state and US taxpayers who funded the SSTC?
  • where are the investigative reporters and tough questions that were so absent from the media's reporting when the cracks first became public--and since?
  • is this going to be another whitewash telling only one side of the story (Leggett, Dise, et al)?
we should know shortly.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

WMATA/purple line decision: “incredibly disappointing, but not entirely surprising” MD gov. Larry Hogan

Purple Line Project In Maryland Suburbs Delayed Again – Perhaps Indefinitely | WAMU

makes sense to me.

why follow up the Paul S. Sarbanes Silver Spring Transit Center "monumental debacle" with a project with highly questionable ridership projections and links to a metro rail system with serious safety, operational, management and funding problems?

Saturday, May 20, 2017

$100 million trial that the media isn't covering

It's been almost two weeks since the trial over the Paul S. Sarbanes Silver Spring Transit Center (SSTC) began.


Two years ago there were thousands of media reports about the "monumental debacle" SSTC--cracks, design errors, construction errors, inspection errors, HUGE cost overruns, etc.

Montgomery County MD and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) sued the engineer, the contractor and the private materials' testing and inspection firm.

The engineer and the contractor blame Montgomery County.

One would think that with all of the media attention that the SSTC got at the time--and the millions of federal, state and local taxpayer dollars involved--that there would be plenty of media coverage now that the trial has begun.

not so. 


the public wants to know.

Friday, May 12, 2017

metro settles silver spring transit center lawsuit???

"Metro, which now operates the center after the county turned it over to the transit agency, was originally part of the case, but settled just before the trial, according to 'The Daily Record'." Really??? Where are all of the reporters who were reporting every statement that David Dise made for years, after the cracks became public, but before the SSTC was opened to the public? Isn't WMATA settling the case news? how much was the settlement? who paid whom? what are the details? are there conditions? the public has a right to know.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

judge warns lawyers not to discuss the case

thank you, News4, for being the only nonsubscription news source to report on the opening day of the court case for this "monumental debacle" public works project that was reported on exhaustively for years. The most telling item in your report is that the judge warned the lawyers not to discuss the case publicly for fear that a juror may hear. Does that mean that we will have to wait until the end of the trial for a juror to write a book before we learn what went on? I should live that long.

Opening Statements in Civil Suit Over Silver Spring Transit Center Delays | NBC4 Washington

Saturday, May 6, 2017

how to ruin a first class subway system in less than four decades

"The first portion of the Metrorail system opened March 27, 1976, connecting Farragut North to Rhode Island Avenue on the Red Line. The 103 miles (166 km) of the original 83-station system was completed on January 13, 2001, with the opening of Green Line's segment from Anacostia to Branch Avenue."

It's taken less than four decades to ruin Washington DC's first class subway system. 


  • incompetent management
  • incompetent board of directors
  • interference from politicians
  • operation and maintenance (or lack thereof) policies, procedures and practices that result from incompetent management, incompetent oversight and interference from politicians

Fixing METRO requires:
  • capable management 
  • capable oversight free from politics and politicians

What are the chances of this happening?
  • slim and none 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Metro mess

Metro Daily Fail: Amazing Pictures of WMATA in Action (April 28-30) - Washington DC, DC Patch

amazing! first weekend for this "new daily feature". 4 on Friday. 3 on Saturday. 0 on Sunday. (maybe there weren't any riders or trains on Sunday) it just goes to show that the public knows--and, tells it like it is.