Sunday, March 16, 2014

Lessons from the present

Has the Silver Spring Transit Center debacle taught us anything?

1. Engineering 101: Structures exposed to temperature changes need expansion joints.

We’re all aware of what happens to some water mains in winter when it's cold. They break:
And in summer when some roads get hot. They buckle:

Lesson: Don’t design and build a 315 ft. by 580 ft. structure, that's exposed to temperature changes, without expansion joints.

2. Economics 101: Sole source purchasing is not the way to buy public goods and services. 

Most consumers understand that competition benefits consumers—the more the competition, the better the quality and/or prices. Sole source purchasing, permitted with public-private partnerships, sticks it to consumers (the public, you and me), because there is no competition.

Lesson: Government, don't stick it to the public. 

3. Horticulture 101: Rotten lemons come in all shapes and sizes. 

Lesson: Rotten lemons aren't good regardless of their shape or size.

4. History 101: Not all voters are fools.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln

Lesson: Some voters who are aren't fools are watching.

5. Common Sense 101: Make sure that someone(s) is minding the store.

Lesson: Government, who's minding the store?

It all seems pretty simple.

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