Sunday, February 2, 2014

What Montgomery Co. MD doesn't want us to know

Why hasn't Montgomery County MD told us why they selected Foulger Pratt to build the SSTC, Parsons Brinkerhoff to design it and Balter Co. to inspect and test concrete and to serve as special quality inspector for the SSTC? Why haven't the media asked? Could it be because political contributions were a factor in the selections? If so, then it's apparent why Montgomery County won't answer these questions. Are you OK with that? I'm not. I want to know if political contributions were part of the selection process. I deserve to know. After all, I'm paying for the seriously flawed, over-budget, yet-to-be-opened SSTC. So are you. More than half of the funding for the SSTC are federal funds. 

I want to know why my federal tax dollars have been poorly spent on the SSTC. Do you? If so, then contact your government representatives (1 House and 2 Senate in the US Congress; and, your county council representative, if you live in Montgomery County). Tell them that you want Montgomery County to hold a public hearing(s) to explain what they're doing and why, and to take our questions and comments BEFORE any more construction on the seriously flawed, over-budget, yet-to-be-opened SSTC occurs. 

Even though Montgomery County may not want to answer our questions, since we're paying the bills, we deserve answers to our questions, and we deserve that our comments be recorded on the public record.

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