Friday, October 18, 2013

who pays?

Then there’s the matter of who pays for all of this: design errors, sloppy construction, faulty inspection, poor oversight, the high initial price tag, change orders, outside consultant fees, do-overs, lawyers’ fees, Montgomery County’s administrative costs for a project that’s WAY overdue, etc.  There’s no telling how high the final price tag will go. Montgomery County says that the builder will pay for added costs; the builder says “not so fast”. Since we don’t know if, what or when the courts may have to say about who pays, both the County and the builder are talking through their hats. 

From public comments attached to media reports, the public knows who will ultimately pay: we will. Since more than half of the funding for the SSTC is federal funding, we will ALL pay: ALL 50 states and the District of Columbia. How do you feel about that?

Can you imagine paying top dollar for a brand new, customized sports car, and then being delivered this?

Do you get the feeling that the SSTC is being rammed down your throat, despite its numerous flaws and despite the fact that you paid retail (or more) for a brand new, unflawed transit center? I do.

According to Montgomery County and its consultants, all that is needed is a two-inch latex concrete overlay and it's all good. Latex concrete overlays are typically applied to old bridge decks that are shot after decades of heavy use. Putting a latex concrete overlay on a NEW building that hasn't even opened yet is like overhauling a NEW car before it's been driven! Would you accept a brand NEW car that's been overhauled? C'mon, Montgomery County!!! 

Congratulations, Suckers! We’ve been taken. ... Again.


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