If our reaction to a story about a man who serves as chairman of the board of a large public agency ("public" in the sense of the HUGE amounts of public money that it takes to subsidize it) saying that he doesn't see anything wrong with taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from a private company that does millions of dollars of work for the same public agency doesn't stop us in our tracks (excuse the pun), then we must ask ourselves if we haven't gone completely numb.
Metro board chairman cleared of alleged ethics violation - The Washington Post
"In a Nov. 6 memo to Downey, the ethics committee, made up of four fellow board members, said it had reviewed Downey’s long-term business relationship with engineering giant Parsons Brinckerhoff and 'determined that no additional investigation or action is warranted.'”
What else did you expect?
If it looks like a duck,
swims like a duck,
and quacks like a duck,
then it's a duck.
Mortimer Downey
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Silver Spring Transit Center
Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center
Montgomery County MD
Maryland Transit Administration (MTA)
public-private partnership
crony capitalism
purple line
Gov. Hogan