"The $140 million bus depot connected to the Silver Spring Metro station is about $50 million over budget and four years behind schedule due to construction and structural issues."
How NOT to manage a public works project:
- Pick your private business buddies to do the work (public-private partnership), instead of competitively selecting private contractors for your public project, as is done with most public works projects.
- Select problem-plagued WMATA to be your public partner.
- Choose the wrong manager (https://www.ignet.gov/sites/default/files/files/FAEC-Presentation-Project-Management-Deficiencies-in-Constructing-the-SSTC.pdf).
- Turn a blind eye to your own (Montgomery County) building inspector who found problems with the design before construction began (Report: Problems with Silver Spring Transit Center may have been known years ago | WJLA.com).
- Don't inspect the construction (including concrete inspection & testing)--every minute, every day, every construction & inspection activity.
- Ignore problems as they arise (severely cracked concrete, etc.) www.montgomerycountymd.gov/DGS-BDC/Resources/Files/SS/509974/SSTC-Report-March-15-2013.pdf